I've bound her arms in a binder, and laid her out on a table. Leaving her legs free to open. Free for me to spread. Jae Lynn's pretty pink pussy doesn't stand a chance against me. But first, I wish to begin with her mouth. Fucking her face with my long, thick strap-on cock. Not only does she produce so much wetness in between her legs, but her mouth is nothing but a pool of saliva for my dick to slid into with ease. Jae Lynn covers my strap on with spit, as well as herself. I love to shove my balled up hand into it to create even more saliva trails, stretching and spreading them high before moving them back into her mouth. Once I'm satisfied with my foreplay, I flip her over on her back and dive into what I'm really after. That pretty pink pussy. I show it no mercy, as I have been informed Jae Lynn is a squirted and I want myself, and the entire room around me, floor to ceiling; covered in it. Drenched in the aftermath of the pleasure I extra from her. And that pussy, does not displease. This little slut of mine is a SUPER SOAKER.
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