We're taking another step in our relationship. This dynamic we've established between each other. You've finally earned a reward. More of me. More of my time and attention. It's the evening of our first sleepover. I'm going to be able to take all my time with you. Having hours on hand to fuck you senseless. To fill you up. I want every part of you. My thick cock and I want every part of you. My cock wants to pump you with every inch. Your mouth, your ass, they'll both belong to me as I lift up my night gown and show you just how hard I am at the thought of taking you in every position my mind can come up with. You're going to take every inch I give, at whatever pace I set. You know that, don't you?I'll be fucking you all night long. It will be a sleepless evening for you, although we'll never leave the bed. Oh, the irony.
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